Friday, December 25, 2009

Looking for More.

The next week passed without incident. After the first day of just lying around waiting for Keith, John decided we needed to be in better shape incase we had to abandon the car. I wasn’t out of shape but I certainly was not in it either. We spent each day running laps around the house and taking turns using John’s set of free weights. I could only lift with my left arm and couldn’t run faster than a jog. The first time I ran I almost passed out and had to lie down for a few hours. After the third day my arm finally started to heal, though I could still only barely use it. Between exercises we practiced shooting in the backyard. John had been hunting since he was 10 so he was already a pretty good shot. I on the other hand hadn’t held a gun until I caught the shotgun a few days before. It took a while for me to finally get the feel for shooting since I had to shoot left handed but after a few days I had improved significantly. By the 5th day of exercising and shooting from sunrise to sunset we were both completely exhausted. Since we didn’t have anything else to do but sit and wait we both pushed our selves harder than we should have.
On the last day at John’s house we still couldn’t run a marathon but we were better off than we were before. That afternoon John and I were sitting on the porch talking about how much longer we should wait when we saw a truck coming down the road. “Do you think that’s Keith,” I asked John. “No, he said he’d be coming in a red Jeep. Go get the rifles.” “Way ahead of you,” I said as I hurried inside. I came back outside and handed John one of the guns. The truck had stopped at the end of the driveway. Two men and a woman stepped out of the vehicle. John and I aimed our rifles at them. Using the rifles scope I could see the woman and the shorter of the two men looked to be in their mid-twenties. The taller man seemed to be in his fifties. “What do you want?!” John yelled to them. Seeing our guns the three immediately put their hands in the air. “Are you John?” The taller man called to John. “Yeah, who’s asking?” “We’re friends of Keith’s. We were coming with him to meet you.” “If that’s true where’s Keith?” “He… He’s dead.” “Dead? How’d that happen?” “Well, if you put the guns down we’ll come tell you.” I saw John lower his weapon and I followed suite. “Alright come on in, but bring the truck around the back of the house.”
“Alright, so who are you and what happened to Keith?” “I’m Alex,” the older man answered, “this is my son Grant, and this is…” “Elizabeth,” the girl finished for him. “Elizabeth that’s right. We just picked her and her dog up this morning.” “Dog?” I asked having not seen or heard one. “He’s in the back of the truck,” Elizabeth explained. “I was attacked last night and he has a bad cut on his back, but I think he’ll be ok.” “Ok so what happened to Keith?” John asked impatiently. “Grant and I were Keith’s neighbor’s before all of this started.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Arrival

I awoke in a fog, literally. I peered out from the truck and could barely see John's house 15 ft away. "When did we get here?" I asked, still slumped against the truck door. Silence. I slowly turned to the driver's side and saw that John was no longer in the truck. A panic took hold of me as I wondered where he could've gone. I felt my arm and was relieve to see it had stopped bleeding although I could only move it with great effort. What a perfect time to become left-handed. I carefully climbed out of the truck and headed towards the house. I was too weak to open the heavy oaken door. "JOHN!" I yelled as I began to kick the door. The door suddenly opened and my kick, having nowhere to land, caused me to stumble forward. "Whoa," John said as he caught me. "I didn't think you'd wake up yet. I was getting a place ready for you to lie down." "When did we get here?" "About ten minutes ago. You've been out cold all day." "We just got here? What time is it?" I asked confused. We were at the gas station around midnight and John's house was no more than an hour from where John had told me we were. "It's about 3. All the main roads are blocked, cars are scattered everywhere." "Damn." I sat down on the couch and absentmindedly turned on the TV. "Satalite is down," John said. "Well what are we going to do now?" I asked. "Well we have to wait for a few days for Keith to get here. He called me last night and said he was bringing a few people. Then the phones cut out." "If it ain't one thing its another," I replied, "Do will still have food?" "Yeah, we have enough food to last about a week and we've got 2 or 3 rifles I used to hunt with." "Fantastic, they have ammo, right?" "Yeah I've got plenty of ammo. We'll be fine for a while."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bleeding out

"Let's get the hell out of here." Way ahead of you," John said as he climbed into the truck. As we drove down the road I tore off the bloody sleeve and tied it around my arm as a make-shift bandage. "Hey, eat that candy we found. You look kinda pale." John threw me two of the candy bars we found. I ate them slowly. I was light-headed from the injury. The bandage was already soaked full of blood and was steadily dripping onto the seat. "John, You're gonna have to pull over and rebandage this. I don't think I wrapped it tight enough myself." I felt the car pull off onto the shoulder when my head slumped forward. I was out.


"So is anybody meeting us at your house?" I asked John as we walked back to the truck. "Only person I could get ahold of was my buddy Keith. He's a friend from high school. A little crazy, but he's cool. Man, I remember this one time, Keith-" A vicious scream stopped his story short. "What was that?" "I have no idea," I said, "but it doesn't sound good." Suddenly, a hooded figure pounced out of the darkness knocking John over and pinning me to the ground. The fall knocked the breath from my lungs and I barely managed to fight back. The creature feverishly clawed at me while more hellish screams escaped from the face cloaked in shadows. I struggled to raise my new-found shotgun to the creature's chest. I pulled the trigger, expecting the blast to free me from the assault. CLICK. "Fuck! John get this thing off me!" My face burned as a claw caught me just under my eye. John ran up and punched the creature across the face, it recoiled slightly, and then John grabbed it by the collar and managed to throw it off of me. Four quick shots followed as he all but emptied his gun into the creatures chest. It slumped to the ground dead. "Probably should've checked to see if it was loaded," John said reaching down to help me up. "No shit," I snapped. I reached for John's hand and a felt a blinding pain in my arm. I looked down and saw my sleeve was soaked in blood. I rolled my sleeve back and saw a deep gash across my upper arm. "Goddamn," I said. As the adrenaline faded the pain became more significant almost overwhelming. It would be a while before I could use the arm for anything serious. "This just got a lot worse."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Guns here!

I quickly looked around for something, anything, I could use as a weapon. "Fuck" I groaned as I grabbed a lonesome squeegee off the ground. I ran into the gas station and found John pinned against the counter trying desperately to hold of the two attackers. Without hesitating I swung the squeegee as hard as I could at the closest infected. Caught on the neck, it stumbled into an empty snack shelf. I went to swing at the second but the minor relief was all John needed to kick the it through the window. Turning back towards the first I noticed the plastic end of the squeegee had broken off leaving me with only a cheap wooden stick. I searched frantically for something better to defend myself when the creature lunged at me with a surprising speed. A single deafening blast cut the attack short and as the infected fell back onto the fallen shelf, a single hole just above his right eye. I turned around and saw John holding a revolver still aimed just to the left of me. "Where the fuck did you get that?" I asked, ears still ringing. "I've had it. They just got the jump on me is all." "Well hang on there is still one more". John cautiously went outside to deal with the zombie he had kicked through the window. "He's dead," he called after a moment. "Landed on his neck." "That was lucky." "Very. C'mon lets see if there is anything here worth taking." We searched the gas station and found a few candy bars and 3 bottles of water. "Look what I found," John called to me. I looked up and found him holding a sawed-off shotgun. "Damn, gunslinger. How many guns do you have?" He laughed, "Just the one. I found this hidden under the counter. You take it." He tossed it to me. It was heavier than I thought it. I looked down the smooth black barrel thinking how cliche this weapon was but I didn't really care.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


"Dude, where are we? It's after 10. We should've been at your house hours ago." I looked around as I woke up, still in John's truck. I had fallen asleep after we had left Norman. Evan after what had just happened I still couldn't manage to stay awake during a long drive. "I have no idea," he told me, "somewhere between Prague and Seminole." He went on to tell me that all fair sized towns had been overrun with infected. The radio had been broadcasting since we left the evacuation depot in Norman giving updates on the spread of the virus. They had been trying to keep everybody calm for the past few days but after the last depot in Oklahoma closed it started listing all the towns in the area that had fallen to the outbreak. "I've had to go down so many back roads trying to stay out of this shit. I'm about to have to stop and get gas if I can find a place." "Shit I didn't think it would get this bad this fast." "Man, I don't even know if we're gonna make it to my house. Wait, there are some lights up there I think its a gas station. Hope this place still works." I told him to turn off his headlights to try to avoid drawing excess attention.
We crept up to the fuel pumps in an erie silence. The gas station was deserted. Windows broken and the store was all but bare. Clearly, we were not the first to come here since the calm had broken. "Check for a working pump," John said, "I'm gonna look inside." "Be careful." Only one pump was still working. As I waited by the truck staring off into the sky and hoping my parents were okay in Europe I heard John scream. I whipped around in time to see two infected wrestling him to the ground.

Left 2 Die

My mind is like a stagnant pool of water. I have plenty to do and its not even really that difficult of a load I just can't seem to bring myself to do it at the moment so I figured I'd ramble my thoughts onto a blog nobody will read. :7

I've been thinking a LOT about a Zombie Apocalypse lately. Thank you Left4Dead 2. I know its the worst thing I've ever wanted but on some level I think it would be great fun if 85% of the world turned into the living dead. I was daydreaming in Math (though I suppose daymaring would be a better discription) and I thought up a scene if L4D2 turned into a reality.

"This line hasn't moved in 30 minutes," John said impatiently, "something is up." I could sense the worry in his normaly relaxed voice and told him the next round of buses is probably a bit behind but it wouldn't be too much longer. I was getting worried as well but figured there wasn't anything we could do but wait for something to happen. 10 minutes later the wait was over as the large hanger door leading into the screening building slamed shut. "What the fuck was that?!" John yelled. The crowed quickly turned volitile. "They shut the door!" "They aren't taking any more people!!" Shouts began to blur together as the horrified people became more and more upset. "John, we have to leave, NOW!" I grabbed his arm and began to pull him away from the closed building. "What are you talking about? This place is our only chance to get somplace safe!" I looked straight into his eyes more seriously than I can ever recall. "It was", I explained, "but now that they aren't taking more we have to leave. This crowd is going to get violent fast and if we're here they Army is gonna deal with us just like they would a horde of infected. They won't risk contamination. They'll kill everybody here before they let that happen." John looked back towards the door which was now being hit with pieces of barracade by those whom were next in line. "Your right," he said as the hope faded from his eyes, "let's go. I've got some supplies at my house. We can stay there for a few days until we can think of something to do. It's far enough out of town we shouldn't be found by anybody right away." "Alright, call anybody else you think you have room for. We won't stay long but we can't harbor a load of people," I said, "my whole family is in Europe. Perfect time for their vacation." We fought our way back through the mob and had just gotten into John's truck when we heard the giant metal door finally give and the crowd began to poor into the building. As we drove away we heard nothing but gunfire, screams, and death.