Tuesday, December 1, 2009


"Dude, where are we? It's after 10. We should've been at your house hours ago." I looked around as I woke up, still in John's truck. I had fallen asleep after we had left Norman. Evan after what had just happened I still couldn't manage to stay awake during a long drive. "I have no idea," he told me, "somewhere between Prague and Seminole." He went on to tell me that all fair sized towns had been overrun with infected. The radio had been broadcasting since we left the evacuation depot in Norman giving updates on the spread of the virus. They had been trying to keep everybody calm for the past few days but after the last depot in Oklahoma closed it started listing all the towns in the area that had fallen to the outbreak. "I've had to go down so many back roads trying to stay out of this shit. I'm about to have to stop and get gas if I can find a place." "Shit I didn't think it would get this bad this fast." "Man, I don't even know if we're gonna make it to my house. Wait, there are some lights up there I think its a gas station. Hope this place still works." I told him to turn off his headlights to try to avoid drawing excess attention.
We crept up to the fuel pumps in an erie silence. The gas station was deserted. Windows broken and the store was all but bare. Clearly, we were not the first to come here since the calm had broken. "Check for a working pump," John said, "I'm gonna look inside." "Be careful." Only one pump was still working. As I waited by the truck staring off into the sky and hoping my parents were okay in Europe I heard John scream. I whipped around in time to see two infected wrestling him to the ground.

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